Sunday, 23 April 2017


                      APSARA SADHNA

The omnipresent goal of human life is to achieve salvation by fulfilling its obligations while performing Dharma, and at the same time there is a main requirement for human "attractive personality", through which it becomes self-reliant and passes through many disparities in life Does it!Those who wish to succeed in the field of acting or in their life, because of the inferiority of the form, beauty, youth, attractive personality, mind-friendly life partner, mind-friendly officer or co-worker and love in life, Worried by suffering, such a person is the best way to accomplish Apsara sadhana!Sadhana has been practiced since ancient times in the Vedic and Advocates of Sanatan Dharma, because their sadhana is much simpler and simpler than the sadhana of the Vedic Gods.In the very short period of accomplishing Apsara  sadhana, the art, form, beauty, youth, attractive personality, mind-friendly life partner in work, friendly person in the field of work or co-worker and love in life will get the desired results of harmony, puberty etc. By getting the physical life of the seeker full of absoluteness is achieved! This is the reason that in the very short period of time, the sadhana of the Apsaras, giving the ease of exemplary attractive personality, has been done for the satisfaction of ordinary householders for the satisfaction of physical life since time immemoria
 Apsaras are cultured in many forms, such as mother, sister, daughter, wife or girlfriend, they are cultivated, and the way the seeker imitates them, they provide similar behavior and results also to the seeker. There is no difficulty or disadvantage to the seeker on applying the  Apsaras as a wife or girlfriend, because it makes the seeker's personality so effective that the seeker's Every person living in Perk seems to conduct friendly mind nymph seeker! And the nymph to go direct to prove he fulfills all the desires of the seeker under its properties, religion, borders no obligation under the influence and limit! On being instrumental in the form of a mother, she becomes diligent and follow the mother-in-law of all kinds in the form of a sister and daughter, she is collaborative by being emotionally emotional, and on the basis of her wife or girlfriend, the seeker receives many pleasures from him. 

The main advantages of Apsara Sadhana: -
1: - Those seekers who are full of farsighted but do not attract other people due to lack of attractive personality and suffer from inferiority complex, their personality can be very attractive and magnetized by the influence of this practice. And all the people who come in contact with him get attracted and attracted.
2: - Seekers who want to get a beautiful life partner friendly with the mind, but for some reason this is not possible, with the influence of this practice, they get the conditions of getting a beautiful life partner favorable to the mind and get a desired life partner. .
3: - The situation of distress and stress in a seeker's marriage, family life, and social life arises, with the effect of this practice, conditions of love and harmony arise in their marriage, family and social life.
4: - The person who wishes to succeed in the field of acting, but can not succeed, with the effect of this sadhana, with the increase in the ability of the best acting in them, the situations of success in the field of acting should arise. Goes away.
5: - Even though the seekers are not in full puberty, even if they are in the puberty, this practice brings great youth and personality in them.
6: - The seekers / seekers wish to beautify themselves but they are punished with nature by nature, with the influence of this sadhana, the charm of beauty comes in them.
7: - Those who work in uncomfortable situations, or have a fear of going in the job due to lack of friendly person or colleagues in the seeker's work area, their officials and colleagues become friendly with them, with the effect of this practice, The fear of going away also ends.
8: - Seekers who believe that they can not influence other people by their talk or work, their personality becomes very attractive and magnetized by the influence of this practice, and all those who come in contact with him get attracted and attracted Their things or work seem to be affected.
9: - For those who are deprived of happiness from their life partner in the life of men / women, it is best to do the highest spiritual practice, because of this sadhana, waking up in a man / woman, full awareness is achieved.

Sadhana Riti: -

First, put a red cloth on a bajat and make a powder on it, the rice should be dyed with the Kumkum. Now you have to chant the mantra by installing "Pushpa Deeha Chitra Siddhi Yantra" on rice. In this tradition, it is necessary to have a rhinestone garment , Sadhana is seven days and starting from Friday, it is necessary to chant the mantra of the evergreen eleven. The face of the commoner should be on the north side, the posture should be of red color also. See you Grate the perfume of rose and five rose flowers on the machine everyday, apply the ghee to the lamp which is ignited during the chanting chant, it is necessary to be a rose of sunlight too. At the time of the mantra, be seen towards the instrument and do not do sadhana This machine has special power which is capable of attracting Apsara from Heaven to Haldas. With the instrument you will get a mantra to get the word from Apsara, which is here And let not appropriate.
mantra: -
Let there be a shy Pushpadeeha Priya Roop aahe hali hihi hili  mero  keiye karaye, minkantave, karate karne vaje  vaaye aahe aahe, hali hili pheypadeeh apsara    fatt  .

Thursday, 20 April 2017



The temple of Lokanatha is situated at a distance of about 2½ kms to the west of Jagannatha temple of Puri. The western boundary of the Puri town is guarded by the temple of Lokanatha, which is traditionally said to have been established by Bhagaban Ramacandra This temple is one of the most important Saiva shrines of Orissa. The place of Lokanatha temple is surrounded by a number of mango trees and in the midst of the tope there is a group of temples within a specious compound and also a big tank (Parvatisagara) in the close neighbourhood. Many small temples are found in the temple premises. From the religious point of view, the Shaiva shrine of Lokanatha occupies an important position in the cultural history of Orissa. According to tradition the devotees who come to visit Lord Jagannatha also visit Lokanatha.The unique feature is that the shivalinga is always under water which substantiates the legend that Goddess Ganga flows through the top of the shivalinga as a stream.

Thursday, 13 April 2017


                 WHAT IS AYURVEDA

AYURVEDA is an ancient medical science. The word, AYURVEDA is composed of two words of Sanskrit, ayur (meaning life) and veda (meaning knowledge). Thus AYURVEDA is a medical science of Ancient India.  AYURVEDA is a traditional system of medicine.The traditional Hindu system of medicine (incorporated in Atharva Veda, the last of the four Vedas), which is based on the idea of balance in bodily systems and uses diet, herbal treatment, and yogic breathing.Dhanvantari was the first physician to use  .In Ayurveda we view a person as a unique individual made up of five primary elements. The elements are ether (space), air, fire, water, and earth. Just as in nature, we too have these five elements in us.Ether and air combine to form what is known in Ayurveda as the Vata dosha. Vata governs the principle of movement and therefore can be seen as the force which directs nerve impulses, circulation, respiration, and elimination. Fire and water are the elements that combine to form the Pitta dosha. The Pitta dosha is the process of transformation or metabolism. The transformation of foods into nutrients that our bodies can assimilate is an example of a pitta function. Pitta is also responsible for metabolism in the organ and tissue systems as well as cellular metabolism. Finally, it is predominantly the water and earth elements which combine to form the Kapha dosha. Kapha is what is responsible for growth, adding structure unit by unit. Another function of the Kapha dosha is to offer protection. Cerebral-spinal fluid protects the brain and spinal column and is a type of Kapha found in the body. Also, the mucousal lining of the stomach is another example of the Kapha dosha protecting the tissues. We are all made up of unique proportions of Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These ratios of the doshas vary in each individual; and because of this, Ayurveda sees each person as a special mixture that accounts for our diversity. AYURVEDIC  medicines heal your spirit and minds instead of just treating the affected body parts. It is based on purification of the body in a natural way and the environment created helps remove all toxins and help regain body’s natural tolerance or resistance from the diseases and help rejuvenate your body and regain your good health.

Tuesday, 11 April 2017


JAI JAGANNATH ,MIRACLES AT PURI JAGANNATH                                               TEMPLE 

Eight miracles at Puri Jagannath temple

All over the world, including India, many people might know about  Odisha   as a small state in East India, but the name of Puri certainly has a high recall value across the world for being the land of Lord Jagannath which is famous for its annual Ratha  Yatra. Jagannath  Puri being one of the four dhams sees millions of devotees visiting the Jagannath temple throughout the year seeking the blessings of Lord Jagannath. The historic Jagannath temple (Shrimandira) at Puri was built in the year 1078. The following nine incredible facts about the temple do not have a logical explanation.

Amazing And Unbelievable Facts About Jagannath Dham Temple

1.An interesting observation made by many is that the flag atop the Sikhara of the Jagannath temple always flaps in opposite direction of air. 

2.Another amazing fact is that if anyone looks at the Sudarshan Chakra atop the Jagannath Temple, they will always find it facing them.

3.According to the laws of nature, during day-time, air comes from sea to land and during  evening, the vice-versa occurs. But in Puri it’s totally opposite which is a phenomenon that intrigues many to this day.

4.Even birds don’t fly above the temple, maybe out of respect and reverence for Lord Jagannath. The same rule holds true for aeroplanes which are also not allowed to fly above the temple.

5.The shadow of the main dome of the  Jagannath Temple is invisible at any time of the day. This is true for even sunny days and leaves many baffled.
6.The quantity of cooked food inside the Temple remains same for the  entire year. But that same quantity of  prasadam can feed few thousand  people and 20 lac people also. Still it won’t get wasted .

7.the Temple kitchen, 7 pots are kept on each other and cooked on  firewood. In this process the contents in the top pot get cooked first  and then the bottom one.
8.After entering from Singhadwara’s  first step (from inside of the Temple), you can’t hear any sound  produced by the ocean. But, when you cross the same step (from outside  of the Temple) you can hear it. This can be noticed clearly during  evening.




This mantra has miraculous powers. Gayatri Mantra is chanted when worshiping god, seeking god’s blessings, seeking brahamagyan, societal happiness and money. There are three specific times in a day when the Gayatri Mantra should be chanted. The three times of chanting also includes time called as Sandhyakal. The first time is before sunrise. The mantra should then be chanted till the sun rises.
The Mantra will develop devotion inside you and God will start listening down to you after you achieve good levels of devotion.At times it is seen, that people tend to get unhealthy because of a bad omen . Worshiping Gayatri Mantra also prevents the effect of a bad omen and keeps you fit.It also brings in a lot of prosperity within the family who always stay calm and amiable among themselves despite staying in the presence of so much of wealth.Although Gayatri Mantra is very lucky for all but for children it is more beneficial. Chanting this mantra 108 times every day, makes children intelligent and helps them achieve everything they want.If you are facing difficulties because of your enemies, chant this mantra every Tuesday, Sunday and on Amavasya wearing red clothes. You should think of Goddess Durga while chanting the Gayatri Mantra. Doing with will get you rid of all the problems created by your enemies.The continuous chanting of this mantra also create hatred for bad food which leads to healthy eating habbits for you. Gayatri Mantra gives you spiritual satisfaction and divine peace which helps you in dealing with miseries of life.


Sunday, 9 April 2017


                  SUDARSHANA MANTRA
 MANTRA-----Om sudarshanaya vidmahe mahaajvaalaaya dheemahi | tanno chakra prachodayat ||
The SUDARSHANA mantra is a powerful mantra to get victory, protection and peace in life. The Chakra is the prime weapon of Lord Vishnu – to destroy every kind of adharma and offer protection to the aspirant.

Saturday, 8 April 2017


                                                     BENEFITS OF CHANTING OMM  MANTRA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

Chanting of the Om Mantra purifies the environment around you and creates positive vibrations.Since you detach yourself from the world while chanting OM, you start diverting yourself from every matter that bothers your mind. When you continue chanting for a while, then your mind is focused only on that sacred Sanskrit word. You will gradually be for attentive towards things and your level of concentration will improve.The Om not only benefits the person who is chanting it but also to the people around them wherever its vibrations flow.It cleanses your aura.The OMM chanting actually improves your voice by giving strength to your vocal cords and the muscles around it. This is very helpful during old age.  

Monday, 3 April 2017


नवरात्र पर्व के दौरान कन्या पूजन का बड़ा महत्व है. नौ कन्याओं को नौ देवियों के प्रतिबिंब के रूप में पूजने के बाद ही भक्त का नवरात्र व्रत पूरा होता है. अपने सामर्थ्य के अनुसार उन्हें भोग लगाकर दक्षिणा देने मात्र से ही मां दुर्गा प्रसन्न हो जाती हैं  |

 प्रथम दिन इन्हें फूल की भेंट देना शुभ होता है। साथ में कोई एक श्रृंगार सामग्री अवश्य दें। अगर आप मां सरस्वती को प्रसन्न करना चाहते है तो श्वेत फूल अर्पित करें। दूसरे दिन फल देकर इनका पूजन करें। यह फल भी सांसारिक कामना के लिए लाल अथवा पीला और वैराग्य की प्राप्ति के लिए केला या श्रीफल हो सकता है। याद रखें कि फल खट्टे ना हो  | तीसरे दिन मिठाई का महत्व होता है। इस दिन अगर हाथ की बनी खीर, हलवा या केशरिया चावल बना कर खिलाए जाएं तो देवी प्रसन्न होती है  |चौथे दिन इन्हें वस्त्र देने का महत्व है लेकिन सामर्थ्य अनुसार रूमाल या रंगबिरंगे रीबन दिए जा सकते हैं।  पांचवे दिन देवी से सौभाग्य और संतान प्राप्ति की मनोकामना की जाती है। अत: कन्याओं को पांच प्रकार की श्रृंगार सामग्री देना अत्यंत शुभ होता है। छठे दिन बच्चियों को खेल-सामग्री देना चाहिए। आजकल बाजार में खेल सामग्री की अनेक वैरायटी उपलब्ध है। पहले यह रिवाज पांचे, रस्सी और छोटे-मोटे खिलौनों तक सीमित था। अब तो ढेर सारे विकल्प मौजूद है  |सातवां दिन मां सरस्वती के आह्वान का होता है। अत: इस दिन कन्याओं को शिक्षण सामग्री दी जानी चाहिए। आठवां दिन नवरात्रि का सबसे पवित्र दिन माना जाता है। इस दिन अगर कन्या का अपने हाथों से श्रृंगार किया जाए तो देवी विशेष आशीर्वाद देती है। इस दिन कन्या के दूध से पैर पूजने चाहिए। नौवें दिन खीर, ग्वारफली और दूध में गूंथी पूरियां कन्या को खिलानी चाहिए। उसके पैरों में महावर और हाथों में मेहंदी लगाने से देवी पूजा संपूर्ण होती है।

                    RAM NAVAMI
Rama   Navami is the day on which LORD RAMA  the seventh incarnation of Lord Vishnu  in human form in the land of Ayodha. He is the ardha ansh of vishnu or has half the divinitive qualities of Lord Vishnu. The word “Rama ” literally means one who is divinely blissful and who gives joy to others, and one in whom the sages rejoice.
Ram Navami falls on the ninth day of the bright fortnight in the month of Chaitra (April/May) (8 days after Yugādi) and coincides with Vasant Navratri or Chaitra durga maa puja. Therefore in some regions, the festival is spread over nine days. This day, marking the birthday of Lord Rama , is also observed as the marriage day of Rama and Sita and thus also referred to as Kalyanotsavam.

Bhagwan Rama  exemplified the perfect person (maryada purushottam). He was the embodiment of compassion, gentleness, kindness, righteousness and integrity. Although he had all the power in the world, he still was peaceful and gentle.
His reign in Ayodha is referred to as Ramarajya, the epitome of perfect governance. Ayodhya was the capital founded by the king-rishi Manu. During the reign of King Dasharath, Ayodhya reached a period of great prosperity. But Dasharath had one problem ,he had no children. Therefore he decided to perform the ashvamedh sacrifice. Elaborate and difficult rituals had to be observed. Rishi Rishyashring presided over the yagya. The performance of this sacrifice was a great event in Ayodhya. At the end, Rishyashring recited a Mantra and made an offering to the fire. Then the gods, gandharvas, siddha , and rishis present around began to pray to Brahma. During that time Ravana, the king of Lanka, was terrorizing the people, and they were longing for liberation from his menace. Ravana had acquired great power because he had obtained from God Brahma the boon that he would never die at the hands of gods, or gandharvas, or yakshas (demigods) or demons. As he was not afraid of men, he did not care to include men in the list of his potential slayers. So Brahmadev declared that Ravana would die at the hands of a man. Then the gods went to Vishnu for help and requested him that since Dasharath was a glorious king, that He take birth in the wombs of his three queens in four different incarnations of His divinity . When Dasharath's sacrifice came to an end, a shining figure appeared over the sacrificial kund, and offered the king a divine beverage called "payasam", which was to be given to his queens Kausalya, Kaikayi, and Sumitra. In due time, Kausalya gave birth to Rama, Kaikayi to Bharat and Sumitra to Laxman and Shatrugna.
The Sun is considered to be the progenitor of Rama's dynasty, which is called the Solar Dynasty (Raghukula or Raghuvamsa ,raghunath  means Sun and kula or Vamsa mean familial descendant). Rama is also known as Raghunatha, Raghupati, Raghavendra etc. That all these names begin with the prefix Raghu  is also suggestive of some link with Sun worship . The hour chosen for the observance of the Lord's birth is that when the Sun is overhead and is at its maximum brilliance. In some Hindu, prayers on Ramnavami day start not with an invocation to Rama but to Surya (Sun). Again the syllable Ra is used in the word to describe the Sun and brilliance in many languages. In Sanskrit, Ravi and Ravindra both mean "Sun".

The story of the Ramayan is a classic, eternal, universal message of Dharma  versus adharma of deva  versus demon, of good versus evil, as represented in the battle between Rama and Ravana.
Ravana was a brahmin; he was a great scholar who wrote numerous works on scriptural philosophy. He was powerful, dynamic, and beautiful in appearance. As the brilliant, handsome king of Lanka, he had everything one would need to be happy and peaceful. Yet, he was arrogant, egoistic, greedy and lustful. His insatiable desires led him to crave more and more power, more and more money, and more and more ladies to fulfill his every whim.
There is one main difference: Bhagwan Rama’s heart overflowed with divinity , love, generosity, humility, and a sense of duty. Ravana’s heart, in contrast, was filled with avarice, hatred, and egoism. Under Bhagwan Rama’s divine touch, the animals became his devotees and his divine helpers. Under Ravana’s touch, even humans became animals.
Through his noble and divine choices, he teaches the world to choose dharma over Artha  (when he leaves for the forest rather than be coronated as King) and to choose MOKSHA  over Kama  (when he chooses his kingdom over his marriage). 


                                              RAM NAVAMI  SPECIAL

2017 में राम नवमी बुधवार को, 5 अप्रैल को है 

राम नवमी दिन है जिस पर भगवान राम, भगवान विष्णु के सातवें अवतार, अयोध्या के देश में मानव रूप में अवतारित होते हैं। वह विष्णु की अर्ध नं है या भगवान विष्णु के आधे दैवीय गुण हैं। शब्द "राम" का शाब्दिक अर्थ है जो दैवीय आनंदमय है और जो दूसरों को खुशी देता है, और जिस पर ऋषि आनंदित होते हैं| राम नवमी चैत्र (अप्रैल / मई) (युगांडी के 8 दिन बाद) के महीने में उज्ज्वल पखवाड़े के नौवें दिन गिरता है और वसंत नवरात्री या चैत दुर्गा पूजा के साथ मेल खाता है। इसलिए कुछ क्षेत्रों में, त्योहार नौ दिनों में फैल गया है। इस दिन, भगवान राम के जन्मदिन को चिह्नित करते हुए, यह भी राम और सीता के विवाह दिवस के रूप में मनाया जाता है और इस प्रकार उन्हें कल्याणोत्सवम भी कहा जाता है|